Sunday, July 31, 2011

Laptop Resolution

What is with laptop resolution these days?

Most everything I see is expressed as 720p or 1080p. Are you kidding? I'm not buying a TV. I want to read text. When a manufacturer advertises a screen resolution I want to see it as 1366x768. Then I know what I'm getting. I know to say, Oh Hell No!

And why don't you see laptops with a display that is better than 1366x768? Is there a decent 15" laptop that displays better this crappy resolution and cost less than $1500 dollars? The price/performance ratio of computing continues to improve. You can buy so much more computing power for your dollar these days, it doesn't make sense why the display technology can't keep up.

The funny thing is that there is a huge segment of the population that just excepts this as reality.

Ok, enough of that rant.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to Clean Up the Right-Click (Context) Menu in Windows

I try not to reblog everything Amit blogs but he has so many good blog entries. Here is another one on how you can cleanup your right click menu.

How to Clean Up the Right-Click (Context) Menu in Windows

Monday, May 23, 2011

MVVM Light

At Daemon Games we decide to try and use MVVM Light in our next project. We are planning on building a Silverlight client and hope that this framework will help us. Today I am starting the process of reviewing the framework to see how we can leverage it in our project.

A quick search of the net turns up the home on Codeplex. Click the download link and you get a 5MB zip file that contains the seven zip files shown below.

The documentation directs you to follow the installation instructions on the Gala Soft web site. Gala Soft has done a great job of documenting the prereq's and the installation steps. I won't repeat them here.

The installation is straight forward and the steps are well documented. As the directions for each supported environment are all listed on the same page, be sure you pay attention to which installation you are reading. Included with the installation directions is verification that you have done everything correctly. You will verify the installation by creating your first MVVM app and checking that the DLL references are present without warnings. As your reward you can run a nice little app that welcomes you to MVVM Light.

Included in the installation are templates for WP7, Silverlight and WPF. Following the installation directions and the verification you are directed to some supporting documentation.

I'm starting with Laurent Bungion's presentation at Mix 2010. It starts out a bit slow but I am happy to know that I will be doing "MVVM in a SLOOB with SLUT". I mean, who can say no to that. Being new to MVVM slow is what I need. Laurent's first example is a Silverlight application linking to a WCF service returning a customer list. The demonstration contrasts MVVM with a non MVVM app, concentrating on how to increase Blend-ability. Blend-ability being the ability to visualize data while working in Expression Blend. Later he moves on to Commands and Messaging. The pace is about right for me as I am just learning many of these principals. 

Tonight I am only able to get through about half the presentation. As soon as I can get back to this I will post more. So far so good. MVVM looks like it will provide much of what we need and will give us some real advantages moving forward. I am anxious to learn more.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Carrying-Cost of Code: Taking Lean Seriously

A great article by Michael Feathers on the the cost of your code inventory. He has some great ideas that really get you thinking about your code.

VFP Indexes

As I long time user of Visual FoxPro I have often encountered issues with corrupt indexes. I wish all this information had been available, in a single source, for me then. If you deal with VFP index corruption this this is a great resource to assist in your debugging efforts.

Agile Tools | Project Management Open-Source and Free Software

I'm looking for a Free online tool to manage our work at Daemon Games. As we are just starting a new project, I thought this would be a good time to try something new for project management. I ran across this site ...

Agile Tools | Project Management Open-Source and Free Software

Looks like a nice recap and it appears fairly current ... at least not ancient. I think I will give IceScrum a shot and see how it goes.

National Geographic Magazine Your Shot

National Geographic Magazine Your Shot: "Add National Geographic Your Shot site content onto your Web space."

I am constantly amazed by the NGM photos. They have a consistent quality that is above and beyond anything else. They provide the inspiration that keeps me clicking.