Sunday, July 31, 2011

Laptop Resolution

What is with laptop resolution these days?

Most everything I see is expressed as 720p or 1080p. Are you kidding? I'm not buying a TV. I want to read text. When a manufacturer advertises a screen resolution I want to see it as 1366x768. Then I know what I'm getting. I know to say, Oh Hell No!

And why don't you see laptops with a display that is better than 1366x768? Is there a decent 15" laptop that displays better this crappy resolution and cost less than $1500 dollars? The price/performance ratio of computing continues to improve. You can buy so much more computing power for your dollar these days, it doesn't make sense why the display technology can't keep up.

The funny thing is that there is a huge segment of the population that just excepts this as reality.

Ok, enough of that rant.