Thursday, June 30, 2016

Specter Survives KCDC

KCDC 2016 just wrapped up another year with the best turnout ever. Many interesting sessions by some of the brightest local and national speakers were presented. By far, the best value for your training dollar. You should consider attending if you have never been.

Temperatures were the highest so far this year and the walk back to the Kauffman Center was long and hot. After a great three days of learning, I was ready to be done for the day. Once I was back at the garage, I realized I forgot where the car was. Anxiously, I looked up one level and down another, hoping to catch a glimpse of my car. Here I was, walking around in a stuffy garage when I just wanted to be home. Heading down yet another ramp I glanced up and spotted a bit of familiar silver gray. Peering between levels I was thrilled to see that yes, that was my car but now I had to walk all the way back up two more ramps. But wait, why not just climb over the two rails between the levels. How hard could it be?

Halfway over the rail I stopped and looked down. The gap was only about a foot but you could see level after level of concrete and steel that makes up the parking lot. That is when I heard it. A distinctive clunk, clunk, clunk of something falling. I glanced behind me to see that my computer bag had tipped over, spilling the contents. My heart sank when I realized my laptop was nowhere around and that sound was it banging off the rails as it fell between the parking levels.

I rushed to the car and quickly drove down, level by level, looking for my laptop. Finally at the bottom level I spotted it laying open, face down, on the concrete. As I picked it up I dreaded the sight of a shattered screen. Much to my surprise the screen was not broken. The computer booted up and everything worked. The case is now a bit beat up, the metal is pitted and scraped, but it works as good as new. I got to hand it to HP, that Specter is one tough computer.

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